The Wizard of Oz True Meaning? Human Kind Needs To Wake Up To Reality?
2013-04-13 15:58:53 UTC
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There are so many things hidden in that movie that I could write a whole book on it. I will give you a few things most people do not notice. When they got out of the dangerous woods and could see Oz for the first time, they thought they had it made, but they did not; the witch of the west stopped them in their tracks. The wicked witch put them to sleep, didn’t she? Why didn’t she kill them or confine them? Why would she put them to sleep? Most people do not see how unusual that is. It is exactly what the devil/mind has done to mankind to keep us from salvation. To do it, she used poppies. Why would poppy flowers put someone to sleep? The good witch used snow to wake them up. Why would snow wake you up? Morphine and heroin are made from poppies and will put you to sleep (nod off). The word narcotic means sleep. Cocaine wakes you up, and it is known as snow. Could they be talking about hard drugs in a kid’s movie? What else?

When they wake up, they start running for the Emerald City (heaven), and the music is saying: “You’re out of the woods (animal realm) and into the light.”

The message is, living in a state of waking sleep will keep you from getting to God (the all powerful Oz), and waking up will make it possible to get there. It is a metaphor; drugs will stop you in your tracks right before you get there. There are a lot things that put you to sleep besides drugs, such as carnal love, intellectual pursuits, chasing money etc. When the movie was made, they thought cocaine was a good thing; we now know it is as bad as heroin. It is a sign, because drugs should not be in a kid’s movie, and all out of place things show you something.


The hero’s journey is about being asleep and waking up to true life.

The song “Over the Rainbow” is saying get over your dreams, because no matter how wonderful and exciting they are, they are not real. It is the opposite of what everyone thinks it is about. There is no place like home, home being completely awake in the present. The story is actually about someone that is unconscious and dreams a wild and beautiful dream, and then they wake up. The scarecrow, lion, and tin man are metaphors for the knowledge, courage, and love you need to make the transition into a spiritual being. Dorothy represents life in the process of waking up, and the path to heaven is the yellow brick road.

The wizard turns out to be a fraud, a false God, just as the God of religion is, but after she does what she has to do and kills the witch, destroys the evil in her life, she realizes the truth. The wizard turns out to really know the truth. He tells them that what they are seeking, they already have it, but they just do not know it. After they know the truth, they get everything they came for and needed and live happily ever after, because they already had everything to start with.

The story is telling us we already have what we want and need, but we just do not know it now. We are already home, but we have not realized it yet. It is telling us the reason we do not know it is that we are unconscious and need to wake up.

At the end of the movie when Dorothy is asked what she learned, she said, “When you go looking for your hearts desire, don’t look past your own back yard.”

“There is no place like home.”

In other words, there is no place like the present, no place like real life. It should be said, “There is no place but home (real life),” and you are always there. Home is where the heart is, where God and love is. It is where a spiritual being is at.

Why would water kill the evil witch? It represented the water of life. Water is used symbolically and literally to wake people up. Baptism with water is supposed to destroy evil and wake you up to spiritual life. It is the same metaphorical ritual.

She left the enchanted world of Oz to go back to living with dirt poor farmers, but she saw it in a new way. Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead.

Where are her mother and father? She lives with her aunt and uncle. Why is there no mention of the witch of the south? There are many things that no one notices.

Missing: The things that are missing are more important than the things that are there, but you have to know the things that are there to know the things that are missing. It is the same with movies, the Bible, this book and life itself.

Star Wars and The Wizard of Oz are telling the same story as the Bible.
Four answers:
2013-04-15 09:48:46 UTC
This is a completely unique twist on what The Wizard of Oz was showing.

That book "The Present with Religion" really gives a ground breaking revelation to what The Bible, The Beatles, Wizard of Oz, and many other books, philosophers, and the collective unconscious is really showing us.

I agree that human kind needs to wake up to reality because we are in a position at this moment to destroy ourselves, as a species due to nuclear warfare. There's no coincidence that Revelations in the Bible does mention fire as destroying the earth.
2016-03-09 02:36:53 UTC
1) u determine ur own purpose of living, nobody can do that for u. U need to be creative there LOL. 2) because people are selfish, till someone is not dead, nobody cares. 3) Good point. Rightness should have to deal with morals. Society has laws. Now, even though it has these laws, not everyone respects them, because some think they are above the laws. However, laws are not perfect themselves, because they are made by humans whereas morals are not made by humans, they are thought by humans, but they are unachievable because they are perfect, whereas humans are not. So what laws do is to try and get as closer as they can to morals, but they will never be morals, so they will never be 100% right like ur own morals. So, the only way to be right is to be as OBJECTIVE as possible (this is why we have some good laws). "Outcast" nobody is an outcast, everyone is "pro-jected" into the World, therefore everyone belongs to planet Earth. Whoever said that to you, is an asshole, call him that if u see him. 4) Not true, you can decide not to study and get bad marks, I liked to learn to write and speak. What other education would you propose? U don't need to have just that education in ur life, school education is just a basics to get ur own independent education as u grow older and more experiences, see? Experience is another type of education, but unfortunately we cannot afford to experience everything and know everything, because the truth is we are all ignorant. Educating, means being slightly less ignorant, but it is a good opportunity to exploit u know? 5) A real teacher should take the best out of the student, not dictate. If u feel like ur teacher is ignorant, then change school. Sure, a good teacher is a right of everyone 6) Society is not necessarily limited, it is governed by some limited thinkers. Nothing is absolute, not even society. Society as a word doesn't even make sense, because Society gives an idea of togetherness, whereas we are all selfish and separated only a few are fortunate and have the money and govern others, this is not Society should be a cradle that protects and involves all humans. 7) I am not sure what u mean LOL. Well I lived my own life by myself and I was happy, because I listened to my morals. So you think immoral people live better? LOL. 8) What happened to you? Have you not been treated as an equal? Equal to what? To a delinquent? You should be happy you have not been treated as an equal, in fact we are all humans, but we are all different humans, so equality is not really a right noun to describe us. Good night xxx Eastern people always say: trust others but also check.
✯♥ ᒪᕮᖇᙢᗩᘉᓰᗩᑕ ♥✯
2013-04-15 06:00:27 UTC
I didn't think of it that way. Before I didn't understand what Dorothy said: "When I go looking for my hearts desire again, I'll never go any further than my own back yard".

I didn't think that God, water of life or drugs could be connected to Wizard of Oz. I thought it was just a book written by a great writer with no deep meaning to it.

This totally changed what I think of Wizard of Oz.

BTW, I am a Wizard of Oz fan! :)
2013-04-15 11:40:24 UTC
Great points by Name and Cat.

This is the most interesting interpretation of the Wizard of Oz I've ever seen. And it seems to be true.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.