Crop Circles have been recorded since the 8th century BCE..During the Middle Ages they were called "Witch Circles"... So for nigh of 3,000 years their messages have fallen on deaf ears...
I believe that Crop Circles are made by Light Beings who are inter-dimensional travellers, and they are a message for us..They are designed to awaken something latent in our DNA...We recognize shapes and symbols as we have been drawing since our conception, and Crop Circles are just that, Sacred Geometry....
The Universal Law of non-intervention states that no entity can interfere with the evolution of another species... That is why their message to us is very subtle and cryptic and within in the Universal Law...
Anyone who believes they are man-made are totally ignorant and know absolutely nothing about this amazing phenomena.
In the 1990's two idiots in England said "We made them all", and the media jumped on this and that is why there is so much scepticism today; if they were truly responsible then they would have had to have made over 1,000 in 3 1/2 months, bull sh!t they were liars...
I will tell you about the Catherine Wheel Crop Circle, it was made up of 409 ( sure that is the # ) individual circles, it appeared on a cold rainy night in USA ( forget which state) it is the largest Crop Circle ever recorded..
These Crop Circles are of the most complex geometrical designs and to say they are man-made is total lunacy... There are even Crop Circles in 8 bit binary encoding in hexadecimal form with English alphabet letters represented by ASCII character sets used by computer programmers since the 1960s. To translate the code, you have to start at the center and spiral outward, counterclockwise.
Nobody would be capable of making these with a string-line, some boards a tape measure and a compass, impossible..
I will give you a couple of web-pages to look at and if you sceptics still think a few people could make them then you are very sad people indeed...
This last site has reference to the 8 bit binary Crop Circle and many pictures of other Crop Circles...
Any Christians who read this and scoff, grab your Bible and look up Acts 2 : 19.. There it is even in your book...
I have a DVD titled "Star Dreams", it is the most up to date and informative documentary on Crop Circles I have ever seen, I also have over 12 books on Crop Circles, Ice Circles, Sand Circles etc... And if you still don't believe once you have watched this DVD and get the real facts then you are brain-dead....
I just remembered something else.. There is also a white crystal powder found inside many Crop Circles... This powder arises from a natural friction temperature of more than 3,000 degrees Celsius, and it is of unknown origin... It is a silicone-hydrogen compound that is so pure that it is actually too expensive to make... I could explain more about this powder but it is too long and drawn out...
Explain that those of you who think they are man made !!!
In Light...)O(