I prefer the retelling of he legend, in the movie Knightriders (an excellent film).
Mordred is wrong and right. in most really great stories, there isn't a sense of Black and White, but shades of grey.
Mordred wants the power, but for all the wrong reasons. Aurthur would give him the kingdom, if he wanted it to be King, and not the Overlord.
Really, both Aurthur and Mordred are caught up in the schemes of Morganna, who so wants the power, she will do anything to achieve it, and makes her own son a pawn in her power games.
Meanwhile, Aurthur himself falls to the same lust for power, and begins his slide into the powertrip. Leading to Lance and Gwen having an affair.
Great stories, very powerful...
Still like Knightriders, retelling the Camelot story, in the context of a traveling Renaissance faire, that performs jousts on the backs of motorcycles...