Why Are The Freemasons So Secret?
Dally Sally
2011-02-27 07:58:16 UTC
Why do they need to be secret..? if they supposedly do good and community service and help people become better then why would there need to be secrets? Explain them to me
Nine answers:
2011-02-27 08:17:03 UTC
if they were a cult of known assassins they would be shunned by society. instead they are your neighbors, proclaiming to do good in the community. conspiracy theories say that this is a front, in fact one so well concealed that the members themselves don't get to know about it until they've reached the 32nd degree. supposedly they've infiltrated the highest offices of this country and you see their fingerprints on our currency. their ultimate goal seems to be complete power and control. instead of a violent coup, they have simply gotten themselves elected. when an esoteric group holds all or most of the governing power of a country, do you really think they're doing it for the betterment of mankind? or would they perhaps be doing it to advance their own philosophy? members of elite groups always set themselves above the masses and consider their lives, their families and their needs to be most important, all others are expendable.

United States Presidents

and The Illuminati / Masonic Power Structure
2011-02-28 15:28:27 UTC
To explore the organization that some (very few, actually) so vehemently protest, we must first explain what Masonry IS! Here are some key points:

Freemasonry is the world's oldest and largest Fraternity. While its traditions look back to earliest history, Masonry in its current form appeared when its public events were noticed by the residents of London, England in 1717. Although Masonry - particularly in its earliest days - had some elements of secrecy, the first 'exposure' of the supposedly highly-secret Masonic ritual actually appeared in 1696! Since that time, there have been tens of thousands of books published about this 'secret organization'. And for over three hundred years, despite the good works done by its members, Freemasonry has continually suffered the slings and arrows of those who seek to use it's quiet nature against it.

Freemasonry's singular purpose is to make good men better and its bonds of friendship, compassion and brotherly love have survived even the most divisive political, military and religious conflicts through the centuries. Freemasonry is neither a forum nor a place of worship. It is not a religion nor does it teach a religious philosophy. For nearly three hundred years it has attracted men of high moral character who support the tenets of temperance, fortitude, prudence and justice.

We're often asked, "What do Freemasons believe?" The answer is quite simple: essentially the same things that teachers, bus drivers, Rotarians, or anyone else believes. There is no 'requirement' that all Masons believe certain things except insofar as good behavior dictates.

Today, the more than four million Freemasons around the world come from virtually every occupation and profession. Within the Fraternity, however, all meet as equals. In fact, one of the most fascinating aspects of Freemasonry (and an obvious source of irritation for those who thrive on the seeds of discontent) has always been: how can so many men, from so many different walks of life, meet together in peace, ignoring political or religious debates, to conduct their affairs in harmony and friendship and to call each other "Brother!" It's truly a conundrum which perplexes those outside the fraternity. Laying aside petty jealousies and agreeing that issues of politics and religion are not proper for discussion within a lodge, the 'bones of contention' that so often divide are removed thereby making it possible for men of varying religious and political interests to meet on common ground.

Freemasons are taught to conform to the moral laws of society and to abide by the laws of the government under which they live. They are men of charity and good works and they engage in charitable works which have made them "the World's greatest philanthropy!" Their services to mankind represent an unparalleled example of the humanitarian commitment and concern of this unique and honorable Fraternity.

Just an aside: the poster kaps is obviously not a member and cannot distiguish between allagory and truth/reality, Freemasons can.
2011-02-27 19:45:19 UTC
The Freemasons are not a secret society, they are a society with some secrets. Those secrets do not have to do with conspiracies or world domination or anything evil. Those secrets have to do with the ways masons identify themselves to one another and a few other things about rituals and such. If they were a secret society would you see them marching in parades? Would the lodges be right out there in the open? Would they be so involved in all the charities that they are? This includes one of the most famous charities Shriners Hospitals ( All Shriners are Masons) where countless children have received free medical treatment over the years. Blood drives, Child ID programs, Wounded Warriors charities....the list goes on and on

Other "secrets" are those things we discover about ourselves on our Masonic journey. Masons teach morality through a systems of symbols and allegories. You would likely be surprised finding out a few of the people you know, trust care for or just basically like are Masons.

If you are male and of lawful age contact your nearest lodge and speak to a few of the brothers there. They would be happy to explain it to you and maybe you would even wish to join.

There is a lot of anti-masonic stuff out there...a lot of this is written by close minded people who do not know what they are writing about and pretend they do. Just know that the "secrets" aren't something evil...just part of being a mason.
2011-02-27 23:29:21 UTC
Secret in what way? They've got websites, they publish their upcoming events, they list the Lodge addresses in the phone book, they have a sign out front of their Lodges that tells what they're doing, they list their phone numbers in the newspaper, they are at fairs with pamphlets, at community events giving away info and food, the march in parades, and the members themselves proudly display their affiliation with the fraternity through stickers or license plates on their cars, rings on their fingers and pins on their lapels.

What 'secret' are you talking about?


- The 'initiation ceremonies' aren't secret, they're on the internet.

- Freemasons don't 'play act,' nor do they 'reconstruct the building of First Temple,' nor do they 'depict Jewish domination over the world. What a pantload.

- Freemasons call their Lodges 'Lodges.' Duh. Some buildings are called 'Temples,' but that's not the Lodge. People who don't know about Freemasonry probably shouldn't be offering up information on the Fraternity.

- Freemasons don't have any 'secret meetings.' All their meetings are posted and published. Duh.

- There's no "King's chair" or "Chair of Jewish King Solomon" in a Lodge room. And there's no 'presiding' done over any "building of 'First Temple." Duh.

- Lodges (even the person who claims Lodges are 'Temples' calls it a Lodge ... wow) don't 'depict the world from east to west and north to south complete with Sun, Moon and Stars' at all. That's nonsense. There are PLENTY of pictures of Lodge rooms online, and virtually NONE of them depict any such thing.

- King Solomon is NOT 'depicted as ruling over the World.' A stupid guess.

- There is NO SUCH THING as 'Volumes of secret Laws' in ANY Lodge.

- There's NOTHING 'kept beneath King Solomon depicting that people of all faiths bows before him.' Even a Google search would show that - and Google searches about Freemasonry show some pretty stupid things.

- Freemasons don't 'worship Jewish national flag or Star of David' at all. Freemasonry is a FRATERNITY, not a RELIGION. Duh.

- Anti-Semitic nonsense has nothing at all to do with Freemasonry.
2011-02-28 00:24:38 UTC
Freemasons, who have same secret initiation ceremonies. In the their meetings by way of play acting they reconstruct the building of First Temple or King Solomon’s Temple and depict Jewish domination over the world.

Ask any Freemason Is it not correct that?

A) Freemasons call their lodges as Temple (First Temple).

B) In their secret meetings they play act and reconstruct the building of “First Temple” of Jews.

C) The King’s chair is “Chair of Jewish King Solomon” who presides over the building of “First Temple”.

D) The lodges are prepared to depict world from east to west and north to south complete with Sun, Moon and Stars

D) King Solomon is depicted as ruling over the World?

E) Volumes of secret Laws (religious scriptures) are kept beneath King Solomon depicting that people of all faiths bows before him.

F) Within the Lodge Freemasons of all faiths worship Jewish national flag or Star of David?

The secrets of Freemasonry are the reconstruction of First Temple of Jews by King Solomon and Jewish desire for world domination as depicted and performed or play acted in their Lodge meetings.

edit; mr meat (if he is a Freemason) is obviously concealing the truth or he is rank new comer.
Eric S
2011-02-27 22:47:32 UTC
It's part of the tradition. If we didn't have some surface form of secrecy then what would be the point of joining? Believe me, people who join Freemasonry expecting to find an earth shattering revelation are usually disappointed.
2011-02-27 16:12:41 UTC
Most cults are secret. Generally the secrets are just to protect the cult and its people. And who told you they help people? They only do things that make them look better and I've only seen them help those that can help them.
2011-02-27 16:10:34 UTC
because they're a secret society, they have been since their origin and they don't like to change tradition
2011-02-27 15:59:46 UTC
Because they partake in intercourse with minors.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.