A friend and I might of let a demon out, what do we do?
Hufflepuff Power
2010-06-09 19:57:16 UTC
I am fully prepared to get the "Your crazy" answers, but I know this is real. And I also know that there are others who are out there who will help me.

Okay, me and my friend both believe in spirits, and we did a Oujia board fully knowing that something bad could happen.
We were doing it and we were getting answers but the the cup started going to all four corners which means that a demon is trying to get out...
We stopped and said prayers, and had holy water present.

But just in case the demon did get out what should we do?
(We know its not a good spirit, for it had murdered someone.)

Thank you
Ryan & Ashley
Beginner spirit hunters
Fifteen answers:
2010-06-10 19:42:20 UTC
You've gotten a ton of answers from people who have never touched a spirit board in their life, so how about the perspective of someone who uses them regularly? Ok!

Nothing can get out of the board. Nothing was in the board to begin with. Whatever you're talking to using the board is already among you. From my experience, these things DO NOT open portals. They're just tools. Like a pendulum. Like automatic writing. Just a tool.

Using the board DOES allow them to interact in our world though...because you're providing them with the energy to move the planchette around the board and thus speak.

Spirits are tricksters for the most part. They will lie. They will mess with you. Some will even claim to be demonic just to get a rise out of you. If they start behaving that way, kindly tell them to take a hike and if they're persistent be firm about it.

They can only harm you if you open up yourself to harm. Look into psychic shielding, it'll help if you're feeling uneasy.
2010-06-09 21:54:14 UTC
first off, if you knew something bad could happen, why oh why did you do it anyway? Ive been in your position with a ouija board years ago and I still dont know why I played after hearing all the stories my mom told me. Second - this is to kitsumewqueen - if your ouija board came with anything that glows in the dark, it is the toys r us one that Ryan & Ashley here were talking about. If it glows in the dark, is pink or is crappy cardboard stuff, its from a nationwide chain store like toys r us or walmart and is not the same. An old board depending on what era it is from could have a "pointer" actually called a planchette, or a glass similar to a shot glass, or even a glass disk with feet like a planchette. there are a few variations on ouija board and planchette design. Now, this may sound odd, but did the "being" you contacted mention anything like "zozo" or did you ask them for proof, like " oh, if youre really there, can you move the pencil on the table?" kind of thing? a lot of people have reported a spirit saying their name was "zozo" then such spirit turns out to be purely evil and attempts to haunt/posses/torment the players. Also, its been said that if you ask for proof like moving curtains, knocking, etc., it basically give the spirit an open invite into your home. Basically, you say "make my curtains move" spirit understands as "you can be in my home all you want, if you try to move the curtains." Get it? Now, if you feel you let something loose or it "escaped", you can either learn to live with it, if at all possible, or perform a house cleansing/blessing. Although, if the being is demonic, meaning was never a living breathing human being, that may only enrage it further. It may seem like a challenge to a demonic presence. If you attempt a proper cleansing, and problems only get worse, you probably wont get anywhere until you contact a local catholic priest and ask if he can get permission to do an exorcism. anyway, heres a few websites where I learned about ouija.. The website for the "zozo" story had like 200 comments and over half are other people's experiences with "zozo". Kind of creepy/odd/intriguing..
Daniel Monaco
2010-06-09 20:21:14 UTC
Demons are seen as a largely psychological manifestation of a judeo-christian archetypes representing the conquest of Christianity over paganism. There is no scientific evidence for their existence. Oujia boards are the commercial name for a popular turn of the century parlor trick, essentially you move the board but you don't realize you're moving the board. Talking boards have been debunked by a wide variety of scientific authorities as a psychosomatic device. You want the board to move, it moves.

However since I doubt you'll listen to reason, there are a series of ancient tricks for warding off demonic entities. Holy water sprinkled on the doorstep works, ash wood crosses were also seen as a way to ward off evil. There are several candles or incenses that are known to ward off evil, consult a new age practitioner to find out which. Actually destroying the presence would require the help of a holy man or shaperson, traditionally a Catholic priest since most post reformation Christian religions don't have specific exorcism rituals. A simple blessing would probably do the trick something along the lines of "Bless this place and ward it from evil." A more non denominational ceremony can be performed by a Wiccan or Pagan practitioner. I'd advise going Pagan instead of Wicca, since Wicca did not exist as a religion until roughly 100 years ago, regardless of what they tell you other wise. l. More esoteric methods might involve a Sangre priestess or a Vodoun priest.
2010-06-10 06:16:26 UTC
ok, can i first say its a good thing its an old board, or i would call you crazy, the toy ones have no power at all. so, as to your problem, unless its specially designed with symbols meant to conjure demons (which are usually much more intricate and complex) then this isnt a demon, just a spirit. that is a very good thing for you, demons are very hard to banish. spirits not so much. my best advice is to sprinkle salt on the board while thinking of its energy cleansing the board at your will, this is a very simple ritual banishing. also, im quite interested in the board itself, so if you choose to do some research into its origins or the symbols on it please send me a message with what you find out, it would be quite interesting to know
Willow Raven
2010-06-10 07:59:48 UTC
Although I don't believe in 'demons' (because it's taken from christianity's version of the devil, a religion i don't believe in. ) I do believe that what you may be encountering is 'bad' or negative entity - for lack of better term.

well, there are a few things you can do.. (take from it what you can/want.)

You can either remove it from your home., or cleanse it and leave it outside. unless.. you don't want to get rid of it.. (which i wouldn't really want to since its been passed down from famiily...and has more significance than the toy games. )

If you deciede to remove it. i would first cleanse it.. (bear in mind when you do a cleansing, you need to focus your energy on removing the unwanted energy that is 'stuck'. )

you can do this in various forms., you can place salt on the board., bless some water (acts like holy water which is actually good.. regardless if you are religious or not ) you can get some white sage sticks (incense may work too) and do a smudging of the board.

There are also crystals you can use. I would get five and put 4 on each corner and one in the middle. - ( i.e. you can use., tormalated Quartz, Black tourmaline, rose quartz, Black obsidian, maybe some amethyst. - i suggest you look into them first before decieding which one[s] you may want to use.)

(now, if you don't want to get rid of it..then you can go back and get it. [after this] )

after you cleanse the board. i would wrap it in a neutral cloth. and bury it. ( i know it sounds wierd.- but there's reasoning behind it.) If you want to rid yourself of it completely find a remote place to bury it. otherwise, i would bury it somewhere where you can retrieve it afterwards.. but i would wait a few days. (possibly 5-8 days, may vary.)

I have used., have cleansed, and have removed the Ouija from my home and have helped others who deciede to 'mess' with it. Never had a really 'serious' problem with it...

You can always contact me, if your unclear about something i said.
2010-06-09 20:15:38 UTC
carry a bible with you and don't worry Jesus will protect you. (he can also call upon the super best friends if he needs any help. see south park for details.)

what cup by the way? I have an oujia board but it didn't come with a cup. is it that plastic pointer thing that glows in the dark? I personally never believed in oujia boards being they were made by millton/bradley and all but whatever.

remember jesus loves you. god offers no deals and the devil never follows through with his. Don't sell your soul and be careful.

edit: oh an old oujia that makes more sense. You can't believe in demons if you don't believe in god. I'm not saying jesus or allah or buddah. i'm just talking about a higher being in general. so if your not a full atheist whatever god(s) you believe in with protect you.
Charlie (In your dreams)
2010-06-09 20:27:49 UTC
Well done. The spirits are well and truly pissed now. Everything bad is now your fault. If I get murdered by a demon, it's all on you. Is that right? True or false. Make your mind up time? Prayers won't save you. You'll either accept what you've done or more than likely, just stay quiet about it. A yes or no answer would be nice.

You shouldn't mess around with things that you don't understand.
2010-06-09 21:43:15 UTC
how can one believe in demons but not god, one does not exist with out the other, thats like saying up exist but not down, also how can you have holy water if you don't believe in god, it can't exist either, if you don't believe in god how can you say prayers, see my logic, with out good bad does not exist for you have no way of knowing bad is present in your home. but to answer your question start by placing sea salt around the 4 corners of every room in your house an after 3 days remove the dsalt from your property this should help. but if its the demon i think it is. he will not go with out a fight, so you shouldn't be playing with any ouija boards at all
2010-06-09 21:52:29 UTC
Ouija boards are games sold at Toys R Us. They are not dangerous unless you are prone to papercuts.

Demons don't exist, so your chances of "letting one out" is ZERO.

The "pointer" of a OUIJA board is called a planchette.... no idea why.

Also, OUIJA boards have been sold for more than a hundred years, before that they just sold the planchette and you drew your own board.

OUIJA boards work on ideomotor response. This is about as mysterious and other-worldly as sneezing.
2010-06-09 22:40:41 UTC
The Dangers of the Ouija Board

Dan Corner

One of the chief tools used in divination is the Ouija Board. Though Parker Brothers (those who manufacture it) would suggest that this is merely a game used for entertainment purposes, this occultic tool leads to spiritual darkness.


NOTE: The Ouija board, like other forms of divination, has been used in an attempt to contact the dead (necromancy), which is clearly condemned by the Bible:

Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD, and because of these detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before the LORD your God. The nations you will dispossess listen to those who practice sorcery or divination. But as for you, the LORD your God has not permitted you to do so (Deut. 18:10-14).

All other forms of sorcery are clearly denounced in Scripture as well. Those that refuse to listen to God regarding this command are mentioned in the follow Scripture:

But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars�their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death (Rev. 21:8).

Their only hope is to find forgiveness by turning from this form of wickedness to the true and living God through Jesus Christ. See Acts 20:21.

Demon Possession and The Ouija Board

People know not what they do when they dabble in the occult, even innocently. By doing such they open themselves up to many spiritual dangers that normally would never occur, one of which is demon possession. Such has been linked to the Ouija board:

Some demonologists say the Ouija opens the door to possession by evil spirits ....(3)

Some evil spirits first contacted by the Ouija board has led to a deeper involvement and bondage in the occult.

Jane Roberts, Seth and Others

Some critics contend that such contact is inherently dangerous, and that any beings who communicate through such a device are likely to be demonic and attempt to possess the user .... The entity Seth, popularized by the writings of Jane Roberts in the 1960s and 1970s, initiated his communication with Roberts through a Ouija board. The communication then rapidly progressed to direct automatic writing with a pen and then into a trance mediumship in which Seth allegedly used Roberts' vocal cords to speak.

The Ouija also served as the initial means of communication with alleged spirits of the dead in 1913 for Pearl Curran (see WORTH, PATIENCE), and in 1919 for Stewart Edward White and his wife, Betty. The Whites spent 17 years studying Betty's mediumship with a group of discarnate beings who called themselves "the Invisibles." After initial contact was made through the Ouija, Betty began using automatic writing and then trance mediumship, in which the spirits allegedly used her own vocal cords.(4)

The Lie Will Continue to go Forth

Be assured, that for the many that are misinformed, the Ouija board will continue to be accepted as a mere game for entertainment purposes:

The Ouija Board is Unsafe and Even Used in Seances!

Ouija board, in occultism, a device ostensibly used for obtaining messages from the spirit world, usually employed by a medium during a seance.(7)


Have NOTHING to do with the occult or Spiritism in any form. Do NOT dabble with what God has expressly forbidden. If you already have, pray a sincere prayer to God asking Him to forgive you for your grievous sins. Also pray a prayer of renunciation, that is, renouncing this and all involvement in the occult. If you already own an Ouija board, remove it from your house and burn it publicly. This is how some first-century sorcerers treated their scrolls and thereby proved their repentance toward God:

go to this site and read all it says to do.
Merissa V
2010-06-09 20:03:44 UTC
not the sort of thing I should have read before Im going to bed:\
2010-06-09 22:10:08 UTC
Really, Seriously, should not of read this at midnight..
2010-06-09 20:00:26 UTC
I think you guys will be alright, but if you are truly worried get a priest to bless the house
2010-06-09 19:59:34 UTC
Seek psychiatric help.
Watch Dawg
2010-06-09 20:00:08 UTC
Call the tooth fairy

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.
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